
Sound of Noise by O. Simonsson and J.S. Nilsson

sound of noise - movie poster - cannesToday we're talking music movie with one of my favorite movies.

Sweden must really be a magnificent country. After living six months in Denmark I really regret never going to this neighbour country. However, I was able to experience the Scandinavian culture, with its lack of taboos, and its very important freedom of speech. And while this creates some problems (you might remember the 85 victims massacre in Norway by an openly neo-Nazi individual), the resulting sense of freedom also encourages people to express their talent, however controversial.
And it is this misunderstood talent which we find in the movie: Sound of Noise. This Swedish film is based around the theme of music and using unusual objects and techniques to compose a masterpiece: Music for one city and six drummers.
Six anarchist drummers use their incredible rhytmic talent to play the four movements of this piece, using the city as their instrument. These four movements are:
  • Doctor, Doctor, Gimme Gas (in my ass)
  • Money 4 U, Honey
  • Fuck the Music! Kill! Kill!
  • Electric Love
The first movement is set in a hospital with a politician as a victim, using his body as percussion and all the medical machines as intruments. In the second they hold-up a bank and once again play their incredible music. The third is using construction trucks, and I'll let you discover the last movement which completes a wonderful movie. Meanwhile, these musical terrorists are pursued by Amadeus, a tone-deaf inspector who cannot stand music and tries to free himself from this torture.

This film really carries a powerful message of a society which needs to free itself from the clutches of routine and musical dogma. The music is excellent and the movie very funny in itself. I recommend you watch it in Swedish (with subtitles).
Here is an extract and the movie's first movement: Doctor, Doctor, Gimme Gas (in my ass).

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