I can't create a topic or post on the Forum! Why is that? I can't create a topic or post on the Forum! Why is that?
You need to register on the Forum before you can create a topic or post in a topic. You will find a link at the top right of the forum to do so. All you need is your personal email address (or professional), a user name of your choice and a password of your choice.
In order to keep a level of privacy in the forum and avoid spams, you will need to be verified by the moderators of the forum before you can post. If you are using your own name or your professional email address, we will be able to identify you and grant you access quickly. If you decide to use your personal email and/or an unidentifiable user name, we would appreciate it if you could send us an email identifying yourself so we can grant you access.

If you have any problems while registering, you can also contact us by email using the address above.

How do I create a topic or post on the Forum? How do I create a topic or post on the Forum?
To create a topic you must first go in the sub-forum you wish to place it in (e.g. Discover > Rock). Click on the "New Topic" icon in the top bar of the forum

You can now write the contents of the first post of your new topic. Start by giving your topic a name in the field "Subject", then enter your content in the field "Message". In this field, a few options are available to insert images or embedded videos, modify the appearance of your text etc... When you're done with your message press the "Post Message" button qt the bottom of the page. Your topic and first post is now created!

How do I post an embedded video? How do I post an embedded video?
Nobody likes to follow a link to another page to listen to an artist, therefore we encourage you to embed your videos (or SoundCloud players) when you are sharing them. When you are on the YouTube you wish to share click on the "Share" button (1). Click on the "Embed" tab (2) and copy the link given to you (3).

In the "Message" field on the forum click on the "Embed" button followed by "Embed Tags". The <nabble_embed></nabble_embed> tags will appear. You can now paste your code from YouTube between the two tags. 

You can now post your message and your video will appear directly on the Forum post.

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