
Ghostpoet @ Electric Brixton - A Short & Sweet Review by Evelyn Zunun

Who is Ghostpoet? Ghostpoet (born Obaro Ejimiwe, 18 January 1983) is a British vocalist and musician. His unique musical style is difficult to describe but can be assimilated to Trip-Hop and post-Dubstep.

I want to listen to some Ghostpoet, how can I find his music? http://ghostpoet.co.uk/has everything you need to know – links to his YouTube page, downloading his music, gigs, Instagram …etc.

When is his next gig? He’s next in the UK 2nd May in Manchester, after that it’s all festivals. Check out his website for more info.

How many albums has he released?
3 albums so far:
  • Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam
  • Some Say I So I Say Light
  • Shedding Skin

Was he good live? Oh yes. He engaged with the audience, started going round shaking people’s hands, fan girls and boys were going crazy for that.

Was he alone on stage? He had a band in the background: a drummer, guitarist, bassist, keyboard player + singer, and a string quartet for some of his songs. So cool!

How was the atmosphere? Very chilled and relaxed. No mosh pits found (although a fight broke out between two people in the audience…Brixton eh?).

Hipster count: 55% of audience seemed to be hipsters.

Would I see him again? Yes.

YouTube Videos:

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